Catholic Social Teaching

The key themes of Catholic Social Teaching are:

  • Human Dignity
  • Community & Participation
  • Care for Creation
  • Dignity of the Workers
  • Option for the Poor
  • Solidarity & Peace

What is Catholic Social Teaching?

At St Mary’s we work together as a community to improve the lives of people locally and around the world. Our faith calls on us to love God, our neighbours and ourselves and by working together we can achieve The Common Good. Every human being has dignity and deserves respect so we should recognise the dignity of our brothers and sisters living in poverty.

Our Year 1 Class saint is St Frances of Assisi.

His prayer:

“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.”

teaches us to be instruments of Christ’s peace and love.

By learning about the key themes and our fundraising, our pupils are able to develop their own understanding of Catholic Social Teaching.


At St Mary’s some of the ways we support those in need are:Giving

We also support other charities throughout the year like, Children in Need, Save the Children, NSPCC, Local food bank, Macmillan, Royal British Legion, and Race for Life.

Jimmy's Macmillan (2) Race for Life Food bank Children in Need
Jimmy's Night Shelter Macmillan Race for Life Local food bank Children in Need