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At St. Mary's RE is at the heart of our curriculum. We recognise and value every child as being special and made in the image and likeness of God. RE in our school encourages children's sense of awe, wonder, reverence and spirituality. In our school children are taught about God's love and their Christian responsibilities. They will experience The Church and it's Roman Catholic traditions. They are taught to be respectful and understanding of people and traditions from other faith backgrounds. Our pupils will learn about their unique place within the Home, School, Parish, National and Global community.
The curriculum hours in RE are set by the Diocese of Westminster and are non-negotiable. SLT monitor this regularly and subject leaders evaluate provision to ensure Teaching and Learning is strong and consistent. Training is readily available to all staff and regular subject-driven staff meetings are held.
We follow The Way, The Truth, The Life scheme of work which is fully aligned to the RECD. This scheme is developmental and takes into account children's age and understanding.
Learning intentions include the Driver Words which are taken from the recently updated Standards document.
Quality teaching responds to children's needs and their engagement is encouraged through the use of Religious stories, scripture, religious artwork, music, song and role-play. They will learn about the people of God, those who serve in charities as well as the Saints. We participate in mass, feast days, holy days and collective worship which involves Religious actions. Our children play an active role in these liturgies. We have strong links with our Parish and our parish priest. Our children learn about other Christian and world faiths alongside the teaching of the Catholic Church.
Our children experience a wide ranging number of challenges in RE. This deepens their appreciation of the Faith. Those of all abilities and backgrounds are offered the same opportunities to achieve well in RE. Fundamental British Values are evidenced in this subject and children understand that RE can celebrate difference. We encourage the children to live out their faith in an active and positive way so that they become religiously literate and aware of Christ's constant presence guiding them.
Our Chaplaincy team are proud of their contribution to the Christian life of the school. During their time at St. Mary's our pupils develop confidence, resilience and active engagement in the wider society.